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Heaters: Buy, Sell, and Exchange for Free on Tuble Free Ads Platform

Heaters are essential devices for maintaining warmth during cold weather. On the Tuble free ads platform, users can post free ads to buy, sell, or exchange new and used heaters from popular brands like De'Longhi, Electrolux, Midea, AeroWolf, and Ballu.

Popular Types of Heaters

On Tuble, you can find a variety of heaters suitable for homes, apartments, or offices, including radiator, infrared, and oil-filled models.

Radiator Heaters

Radiator heaters are a classic choice for many users. They can efficiently heat large spaces and are easy to operate.

  • De'Longhi — reliable radiator heaters with adjustable power.
  • Electrolux — models with overheating protection and easy controls.
  • Ballu — quick-heating heaters with high efficiency.

Infrared Heaters

Infrared heaters work by heating objects and people in the room rather than the air itself. This makes them more efficient in heating spaces with minimal heat loss.

  • Midea — quick heating systems with energy efficiency.
  • AeroWolf — models with adjustable heating intensity and cost-effectiveness.

Oil-filled Heaters

Oil-filled heaters retain heat for a long time and are suitable for continuous use. They are ideal for cold rooms where constant heating is needed.

  • Ballu — models with thermostats and overheating protection.
  • De'Longhi — oil-filled heaters with long lifespan and high efficiency.

How to Post Free Ads on Tuble

  1. Create an Ad: Specify the brand, model, type (radiator, infrared, or oil-filled), and condition (new or used).
  2. Add Photos: Attach photos of the device to help buyers assess its condition.
  3. Set the Price or Exchange Terms: Offer a price or exchange conditions.
  4. Post the Ad for free on the Tuble platform and wait for responses from interested buyers or exchangers.

How to Buy or Exchange a Heater

  1. Use Search Filters: Choose the type, brand, and price range of the heater you're looking for.
  2. Contact the Seller: Clarify the specifications of the unit and discuss the terms of the deal.
  3. Agree on Delivery or Pickup: Decide on the most convenient way to receive the heater.


Heaters are essential devices for creating warmth and comfort in your home or office. On the Tuble free ads platform, you can post free ads to buy, sell, or exchange heaters. Don't miss the opportunity to find the perfect heater for your space on Tuble!

Possible attributes in category Heaters - Czech Republic
Brand (Heaters - Czech Republic)
2VV, ADAX, AEG, Aeroheat, Aeronik, Aerotek, AIC, Aiken, Air Comfort, Airelec, AirSonic, Akai, Akvilon, AL-KO, Almac, almacom, ALPARI, Aosta, AOX, Applimo, Aresa, Arvin, Astor, Atlanta, Atlantic, Atron, Aurora, AVEX, Axel Home, Ballu, BauMaster, BEHA, Bekar, BEKO, Bilux, Bimatek, Binatone, Bomann, Bork, Breeze, Bromic, Calore, Cameron, Campa, CATA, CENTEK, Clatronic, Clever&Clean, Comfort, Convector, Cooper&Hunter, Crater, CROWN, Daewoo, Daewoo Electronics, Daire, Dantex, DDE, Defender, Delfa, Delonghi, Deloni, DELTA, DENZEL, DIGISUN, Digital, Dimplex, Dyson, easyTherm, Eco, Ecoterm, Edisson, Einhell, Ekostar, ELAND, Elbee, Electrolux, Elekta, Element, Elenberg, Elite, Elitech, Elmos, Elsotherm, Eltron, Energotech, Energy, Engy, ENSA, Ensto, Equation, Ergo, Ergus, Erisson, Etalon, Eurofan, Eurohoff, EWT, Exelon, Exmaker, Extra, FantASIA, Fenix, Ferrua, Fest, First, Flamingo, Forte, FORWARD, FoxWeld, Frico, FUBAG, Galaxy, Garanterm, GEBO, General Climate, GoldStar, Gramex, Green Field, GREENLINE, Grol, GRUNHELM, HAARB, Hauswirt, Heallux, Helios, Heliosa Hi Design, Hilton, Hintek, Hisense, Hitachi, HOME-ELEMENT, Homstar, Iconik, IDEAL, IGC, Inelco, INFRA-TEC, Infrapower, Iore, Irit, iStar, IVT, Jarkoff, Jax, KAM Tek, Kambrook, Kia, KingStone, KITTORY, Komfort, KomfortMax, Korting, KROLL, L'umix, LAMARK, Lasko, Lavita, Leran, Liberton, Livstar, Lumitex, Lumme, Maestro, Magic Flame, MAGNIT, Marta, Master, Maxima, Maximus, Maxtronic, Maxwell, MegaMax, Meran, METAhome Electronics, Mirta, Mister Heat, Mitsushito, MO-EL, Moller, MPM Product, Munters, Mustang, Mystery, NeoClima, NEXON, Nikkey, Nobo, Noirot, Oasis, Octavo, Odeon, Olefini, Omaks, Optima, Orion, Packard Spence, Patriot Garden&Power, Perfezza, PIRAN, Polar Heat, Polaris, Powertec, PRO Intellect Technology, Progard, Prorab, Protherm, Pyrox, Radialight, Rainford, Ravanson, REDMOND, Remington, Remko, RENOVA, RICCI, Rix, Roda, Rolsen, Rotel, Rotex, Royal Thermo, Sakura, Saturn, Scandi, Scarlett, Scoole, Sea breeze, Selena, Sencor, SENSEI, Shearflow, Sheff, Shuaige, Sial, Siemens, Simfer, Sinbo, Skiff, Skiper, Slogger, Smile, Soler & Palau, SONNIGER, Stadler Form, Steba, Sterlingg, STERN Austria, Stiebel Eltron, Sturm!, Stylo, SUNNY, Sunnyheat, SUPRA, Systemair, Taurus, TELEFUNKEN, Termica Comfortline, Tesy, Tevin, Thermobalt, Thermor, Thermoscreens, Timberk, Top Machine, Top Termo, Trisa, Tsunami, Ufesa, UFO, Ultra, Uniel, UNISVET, UNIT, Unitherm Haustechnik, Vaillant, Vanguard, Vasko, VEAB, Vectra, Venterra, Vertex, VES, Vesta, Vico, Viconte, Vigor, VINCHI, Vitals, VITEK, Vitesse, Volkstechnik, Vortice, Watt, Wellton, WEST, Wester, Wild Wind, Wolta, WWT, Zannell, ZASS, ZENET, Zilon, АО ВНИИЭТО, Алеся, Арктос, Баган, Барьер, БелОМО, Беламос, Белвар, Варяг, Взлет, Витязь, ДИОЛД, ДНІПРО-М, Делсот, Добрыня, Зубр, ИОЛА-К, Изолит СПб, ИкоЛайн, Калибр, Келет, КлимаТ, Кратон, Крона, Купол, Ладомир, Лазурь, Лесса, Летнее Время, Луч-М, МЕГАДОР, Макар, НОВЭЛ, Ока, Океан, Орбита, Парма, Пион, Профтепло, РИО, Ресанта, Ресурс, Рубин, Русская печка, СПЕЦ, СТАВР, СТЕП, СТН, Строймаш, ТСС, Телекарт, Теплолюкс, Тепломаш, Теплофон, Термiя, Тропик, Урал ТЭН, Урал-Микма-Терм, УралПром, Успех, Фаворит, Циклон, ЭЛЕКТРОПЕЧЬ, ЭРДО, Экватор, ЭкоЛайн, Элвин, Электроприбор, Элтерм, Энергомаш, Энергопром, Энкор, Энтузиаст, ЮниМастер, Other
Type (Heaters - Czech Republic)
infrared convection heater, infrared, convector, oil radiator, thermal curtain, heat gun, fan heater, fan heater, Other
Heating area (Heaters - Czech Republic)
less than 10 sqft, from 10 to 15 sqft, from 15 to 20 sqft, from 20 to 25 sqft, more than 25 sqft
Max. heating power (Heaters - Czech Republic)
up to 1 kW, from 1 to 1.5 kW, from 1.5 to 3 kW, more than 3 kW
Mounting options (Heaters - Czech Republic)
floor, wall, wall/floor, desktop, ceiling, Other
Condition (Heaters - Czech Republic)
New, Used
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